What does Radim believe and why?
What values are the most important to him?
Radim believes the Holy Bible is God’s letter to mankind. It is the foundation of his faith. At the beginning of his spiritual journey, after studying the Bible, he decided to be baptized into the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Family is one of the most essential priorities in Radim’s life. What principles guide his family?
Radim´s wifes name is Barbora and he is the father of six sons. His family environment is inspired by the Christian principles found in the Bible. He is doing his best to lead his children to God. The values he promotes are based on reverence and mutual respect.
This lifelong hobby is dominated by Pelé and Messi, along with Bohemians 1905.
There are three key aspects to the joy of driving: speed, power, and acceleration.
Hitting “417“ on the German autobahn gained Radim the attention of the media and the general public.